1. How to do a quick sale for a walk-in-type customer

>  Select the Sale button on screen and then select Customer sale.

>  Enter the customer number in the popup dialog box and press enter

The ETR will display. screen with the customer information for you to confirm....If ok, select OK on the screen and proceed to make the sale.

Select the ADD button located at the bottom right of the screen.

Select the category (product group) e.g. Electronics

Then select the product you want to sell e.g. I-Phone 7S

Your item price will already be displayed on the screen. You only need to enter the quantity.

> Using the keypad, Enter the quantity then press Enter on the keypad.

> Press Enter again to confirm completion.

You will now be seeing a summary confirmation screen; This billing summary screen allows you to confirm all details are correct before issuing a VAT receipt. 

> If all details are correct, press DONE.

You will be seeing the payment mode screen now.

> For a cash sale, immediately start keying the amount paid using the keypad, then press Enter.

> Tap the operator card to approve the sale and issue the receipt.

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2021-08-08 00:33:26
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